Top Tips for Making The Most Out of Your Feeding friend

As the classical tune goes, ‘you’ve got a friend in me’, but the song fails to mention how you’ve got a best friend in Feeding Friend! A revolutionised nursing pillow to help navigate through the trials of parenthood, Feeding Friend has evolved and grown to suit the modern needs and challenges every parent faces.

So how exactly do I make the most out of my Feeding Friend? Here are our top tips on how to make Feeding Friend, your closest companion through the unchartered terrain of parenthood:

Find a quiet place and sit comfortably before feeding: This is your time to bond with your precious miracle. Remember, you will be feeding for atleast 45minutes to an hour. So use this time to bond in a quiet place where you feel most comfortable. Now Feeding Friend will take care of the rest!

Begin by offering milk to your baby: Once your baby is in position, latched and drinking, insert pillow at a desired angle to support your hand, wrist, arm and in some cases elbow. Your baby must always be held while using Feeding Friend under your loading arm.

Take it anywhere and everywhere you go – we are portable: Feeding Friend’s self inflating valve means you can feed your baby whenever and wherever you go! Feeding Friend can be quickly and easily inflated or deflated. Quickly deflate Feeding Friend by unscrewing the valve, squeezing out all the air, and then screwing the valve to prevent it from inflating. Go to the park with your friends or have a coffee date with your mothers and when it’s time to feed your baby, simply unscrew the valve and Feeding Friend ill start to inflate.

Wash your pillow regularly: It is not uncommon for our toddlers to make a bit of a mess, it is all part of the joys of parenthood! Accidents happen and with Feeding Friend’s removable cover, it’s very easy to clean! Simply unzip, remove and wash the cover by hand. Keeping a clean pillow is vital for maintaining good hygiene practices and therefore ensuring your childs health.


Enjoy every feeding experience, this is your time to bond with your baby. Feeding Friend’s unique wedge makes it suitable for all shapes, sizes and the accomodates to the growth of your child. There is no better friend than Feeding Friend!


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